Our Annual Meeting was attended by 40 odd members representing our branch and country membership. Members travelled from as far apart as the Scottish Highlands and Cornwall. Friday was our arrival day and our get together that evening was very relaxed and informal with lots of chat and laughter. We enjoyed a trip down memory lane with a DVD show of our 80th Anniversary celebrations followed by a very competitive Quiz. It is always good to catch up with everyone, renew old friendships and make new ones.
Saturday morning was our Business meeting and we had the pleasure of a short talk from Deanne Thomas of the Sailors Children Society. Our organisations share many common interests and it is hoped to work more closely in the future. Sue Williams of Plymouth branch was voted in as National Vice Chairman, a very popular choice. It was a very productive meeting with lots of healthy discussion on subjects such as Seafarers Wellbeing, using Social Media and promoting the Watch Ashore.
That evening we had a wine reception followed by dinner where Captain David Parsons and his wife were our guests. It was a very lively and entertaining evening and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Sunday we had an outing to Beningborough Hall and in the usual Watch Ashore luck the weather stayed dry. All too soon it was time to head back to the hotel and say our farewells until next year.