The National AGM of the Watch Ashore was held in Birmingham early in May and 41 members representing five of the existing 6 branches from around the country enjoyed a weekend of fun and frolics. Country members and a number of very brave husbands accompanied their wives and as always were warmly welcomed. A coach trip was organised to the National Arboretum where members inspected the Watch Ashore bench that has been placed in the midst of the Memorial Merchant Navy wood. The bench was paid for by members to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Watch Ashore. The Watch Ashore have been approached by the MN Welfare board to assist in a project to develop a system of support for current wives and partners uing social media and a proposal to go forward with this was discussed and carried at the AGM. As the Vice Chairman stood down from office the Committee will continue without filling this post for the next year but will request nominations for this seat at the 2015 AGM. The retiring Secretary was presented with gifts and flowers by the Chairman. The new encumbent was welcomed and given her badge of office.